For the uninitiated, a Contact Management System is a program you purchase to help you manage your business. Originally, contact management systems were promoted primarily to help agents create their database of everyone they know and meet so they can easily get in touch and stay in touch with those Very Important People. In recent years, contact management system providers have expanded their features to include just about everything a busy real estate agent could possibly need, including newsletter creation, drip email programs, CMA production, contract preparation and much more.
While it’s always exciting to find a product that promises take care of all your needs under one roof, so to speak, there are two functions a good contact management system should do well. Very well. If it doesn't do these two things Very Well, it really doesn’t matter what else it does, Very Well or otherwise.
These two things are:
• Managing Your ConTACTS, and
• Managing Your ConTRACTS.
Your "conTACTS" are the people who make up your database, aka, your sphere of influence or SOI. Your "conTRACTS" are your active listings and pending sales.
Managing Your Contacts
A good contact management system (let's use CMS from here on) will allow you to easily and intuitively enter contact information for everyone you know, including data for their spouse, partner, children and other relatives, including different last names and individual contact information. It should allow you to track the birthdays of all members and notify you of an upcoming birthday (and other special dates you want to acknowledge). It should allow you to categorize your contacts into various groups, and the names of such groups should be fully customizable. It should allow you to include a person in more than one group and sort accordingly. It should allow you to link conTACTS with conTRACTS.
Managing Your Contracts
Speaking of contracts, a good CMS should allow you to create checklist templates (also known as action plans or activity plans) that are fully customizable, to apply to your real estate transactions.
For example, the CMS should make it easy for you to create a "New Listing Checklist" with all of the to-do's associated with a new listing from Day One to the date it expires or goes under contract. When you get a New Listing, you simply apply the New Listing Checklist template to that contact profile and BAM! You have an auto-populated to-do list for the listing that reminds you to do all those things you need to for the seller, on the day you need to do them.
So, those are the two things a good CMS must do. The rest – it’s just fluff if it doesn’t perform its basic functions well. I don't care if it creates fancy splashy newsletters, I don't care if it has a gazillion drip campaign emails or marketing letters, I don't care if it creates CMA's or listing presentations, I don't care if it blows your nose for you. If it doesn't do the two things I just described Very Well, it's not a good contact management system.
Next up - Creating Reasonable Expectations for Your Contact Management System.
Guest Author Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn has authored five books and multiple courses designed to teach agents her Sell with Soul philosophy that centers on four interrelated principles: Respect, Competence, Confidence and Enthusiasm.
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