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March 18, 2014


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very good reading

Good to know information.

Very interesting.

good information to know.

Interesting information. This information must have been introduced for Realtors a few years ago, for We as Realtors in Ohio did not study this in our classes. Do the housing inspectors take some of this information in consideration on the condition of residential or commercial properties?

I also found the rankings of the different chemicals interesting too!

The information Inspectors might use information that relates to identifying if a property is located inside an affected area, but we find more often that it is in the title work or the buyers own due diligence where they will locate this information.

Some titles will include 'clouds' that relate back to the easements for cleanup sites. Most won't, so it's up to the licensee to know what is happening in their area.

Good info and good to know that most anyone that has ever been involved with the land could be found responsible.

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