I had held a 3-hour workshop in Denver called "The Confident Rookie - Ten Secrets to Looking as if You've Done this Before!" Fun time, good crowd.
Due to the popularity of the workshop (Ed Note: and subsequent webinars, books and courses she has written) the Powers that Be here at VanEd asked me to run a series on these Ten Secrets for their audience of pre-licensees, new agents and those who train them.
A little disclaimer... despite the title of the series; I'm not going to tell rookies how to trick their clients or prospects into believing that they're competent real estate agents, capable of handling someones real estate needs, so that they'll allow the rookie to practice on them and learn what he's doing. Nope. What I am going to cover is how to BE a competent real estate agent who IS capable of handling someone's real estate needs, so that the rookie will have the confidence to sell himself to prospects and yes, get the experience he needs.
But I will never, ever ever advise anyone to "Fake it til you Make it" as a business philosophy. Will it happen? Oh yeah, it'll happen every day, this year, next year and for years after that. I've been selling real estate for 12 years now and I still have to bluff my way through situations on a regular basis. But that's actually one of the topics covered - HOW to do that, without jeopardizing your credibility or your license.
Here are the Ten Secrets I'll be covering in the series over the next 10 weeks:
- Know Your Systems
- Practice with Your Printer (sounds silly, I know)
- Preview, Preview, Preview
- Drive Your Route Ahead of Time
- Cheerfully Waste Your Time
- Find Your Handyman
- Let Your Seller Prospect Do Most of the Talking
- Get Comfy with Your Commission
- Admit that You're New
- What to say when you don't know the answer
Stay tuned...
Guest Author Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn has authored five books and multiple courses designed to teach agents her Sell with Soul philosophy that centers on four interrelated principles: Respect, Competence, Confidence and Enthusiasm. The latest release of her book is available in the VanEd bookstore. You can also visit her online at www.sellwithsoul.com or attend one of her free teleseminars on a variety of topics of interest to the real estate community.
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